International Journalism and Communication Program


International Journalism and Communication Program


The international journalism and communication major is the newest in the School of Journalism and Communication at SISU. The major’s origins can be traced back to 1983, when SISU became one of the first universities in China to launch an international journalism program. In the 1990s, international journalism as a major was abolished, but SISU continued to sustain its education of these topics by incorporating substantial international journalism courses under the wider major of journalism. In 2020, the Ministry of Education added international journalism and communication to the new undergraduate major directory and SISU became one of the first five universities in China approved to launch the major in 2021.

The International Journalism and Communication Department was founded in 2021 and inherited SISU’s over-30-year accumulation of educational resources in the field. Curricula of the mew major can be divided into three categories: practical news skills, international communication and new media. Our aim is to cultivate high-end talents who can successfully enter into the field of international journalism and communication.
