讲座:Yusuf Kalyango Jr.:Peace Journalism and Crisis Communication in the Global Context
发布时间: 2016-05-09 浏览次数: 905

主题:Peace Journalism and Crisis Communication in the Global Context



主讲人:Prof. Yusuf Kalyango Jr.





Prof. Yusuf Kalyango Jr., Ph.D.

Director of Institute for International Journalism

Ohio University

Author of African Media and Democratization: Public Opinion, Ownership & Rule of Law (2011). His research focus centers on comparative political communication, international public opinion on media performance, and media and democratization. He has published more than a dozen refereed journal articles and two book chapters between 2008 and 2011; and more than 25 refereed conference papers presented at AEJMC, ICA, APSA, ASA, and IAMCR in the same period of research productivity. Prof. Kalyango’s work has won five research awards at AEJMC and ICA between 2008 and 2011.

Prof. Kalyango has worked for thirteen years in radio, newspaper, television stations in East Africa and USA; worked as a political reporter, television news producer, news editor, news director, and ultimately the head of news & current affairs. East Africa contributor for CNN International’s Inside Africa, 2000-2002; and for CNN World Report, 1997-2001. Recipient of several local (East Africa) awards; and two international awards for journalism excellence by CNN World Report in Atlanta, 2000; and the African Journalism Foundation, 1997 in Johannesburg, South Africa.