SISU Professor elected as member of Russian Academy of Sciences

Professor Hannelre Lee-Jahnke

Hannelre Lee-Jahnke, a professor and joint director of  the Interdisciplinary Research Center of  Graduate Institute of Interpretation and Translation(GIIT) at Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), became a foreign member of Russian Academy of Sciences for her extensive practical experiences and  dedicated study in the field of translation  and her outstanding contribution to translation education.

Founded by Peter the Great in 1724, the Russian Academy of Sciences is an authoritative academic institution, whose members are all of great academic influence.

Professor Lee-Jahnke has kept in touch with SISU since she visited SISU’s Graduate Institute of Interpretation and Translation (GIIT) in 2008. Although she was invited to join in by many universities and institutions after retirement, she prefer to be a Distinguished Expert of SISU and a doctoral supervisor of GIIT.

I come here as a supervisor of GIIT. I think I’ m very lucky because they have wonderful PhDs here, she said, The students as I know are very good and diligent, asking good questions, interested and motivated.

 Professor Lee-Jahnke has established a systematic translation teaching method from three dimensions: translator, process and product. She explored the cognitive process of interpreting and written translating from an interdisciplinary perspective.

Served as the editor-in-chief of the academic journal Meta and Babel, she has large publications in the fields of translation didactics and interdisciplinary research. She also co-authored the book Translation Terminology with Jean Delisle who is the founder of the “teaching objectives” translation methodology. Translated into more than 20 languages, the book covers about 200 key concepts that related to research and translation teaching.

Professor Lee-Jahnke once served successively as vice-chairman and chairman of Conférence Internationale permanente dInstituts Universitaires de Traducteurs et Interprètes (CIUTI), which is the world’s oldest and most prestigious international association of university institutes with translation and interpretation programmes. CIUTI promotes international academic exchange and cooperation.