Zha Mingjian: Passions and Books Enrich Inner World

Prof. Zha Mingjian sharing

At the lecture

Prof. Zha Mingjian, dean of the School of English Studies, shared his memories of youth in the 1980s in a lecture held on May 29, to encourage students to cherish their youth and pursue their dreams.

The lecture was the fourth one of the lectureeries themed “Living library” which invites SISU teachers to share their experiences. Its motto is “Everyone's life is like a book”.

Zha admired the 1980s as an era full of passion, emphasizing the unyielding spirit of seeking self-improvement. Zha said he was impressed by Chinese mathematician Chen Jingrun with his spirit of seeking truth, and was encouraged by the five champions of Chinese women’s volleyball team with its spirit of never giving up.

Zha considered books as his best friends in youth and shared his reading experiences. He developed his personality by reading biographical books such as Zhou Enlai, the first prime minister of the People’s Republic of China. He gained deeper knowledge about the conflict between desire and reality by reading classics such as Madame Bovary and Anna Karenina. He learned about aesthetics and culture from The Path of Beauty written by Li Zehou. He started his research in the field of comparative literature after reading the first issue of the journal “Comparative Literature in China”