SISU found Chinese Journal of International Review to promote research in international studies

Chinese Journal of International Review

The first issue of Chinese Journal of International Review, founded by School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Shanghai International Studies Universitywas published by World Scientific Publishing Company (ISSN2630-5313) recently. 

Guo Shuyong, dean of the School of International Relations and Public Affairs, works as the editor-in-chief. Doctor Hao Shinan and Doctor Wang Kai work as the editorial director and the executive director. Well-known scholars from China, the US, Britain, Canada, Spain and other countries constitute the editorial board.

Scholars from the US, Canada, China and other countries and regions have contributed high quality papers in the field of international organizations, Chinese diplomacy, regional order, mechanism reform of G20, etc in the first issue of the journal

The journal is going to be published twice a year and accepts article submissions from scholars all over the world. The Journal adopts double-blind peer review mode to ensure the quality of thesis.