Presenting China globally: SISU students shine at World Youth Festival in Russia

SISU students participated in discussion program.
SISUers attended the 19th session World Youth Festival in Sochi, Russia.
Chinese exhibition booth in World Youth Festival
SISU art troupe performed sleeve-shaking dance and Dai dance.

Four faculty members and 27 students from Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) attended the 19th session World Youth Festival in Sochi, Russia from October 14 to 22, 2017.

Russian President Putin greeted youth delegations three times during this year’s festival. “The future of the world belongs to the young,” he said. “We will encourage more young people to participate in international academic and cultural exchanges.”

Faculty and students from SISU showed an image of China by telling the story of China's development. At the invitation of the Russian Youth Affairs Department, Sun Lu, a faculty member of SISU's School of English Studies, attended the World Youth Ministers' Meeting in Moscow, Russia on Oct. 12.

During her communication with young ministers from various countries, she told stories about Chinese youth and an overall arrangement of Chinese government for youth development plan.

SISU also dispatched its art troupe as the only Chinese performing team for World Youth Festival, offering traditional dancing and instrumental playing on Asia Day. SISU performers also participated in an exhibition roadshow and acted on the main stage in Asian Style Show in China Session during the visit.

Student Pan Yue from SISU’s School of Education, a member of the art troupe, expressed his honor to “bring Chinese traditional culture to the world”. “It’s also a great opportunity to understand those histories and cultures of different countries,” Pan said.

Youths from different countries also exchanged their personal experiences and stories. Ji Shangzhi, a student from SISU’s School of English Studies, met a young businessman from Congo who was saving money for studying in China. “His ambition and hardworking on learning Chinese history and culture impressed me a lot,” Ji said. “He also hopes to do business with Chinese friends.”

“Obviously, the world is paying more and more attention to China,” said Sheng Yueyun, a graduate student in charge of China exhibition booth during the festival. Zhang Qiaochu from SISU’s Honors College also felt proud of Chinese culture after the activity. “It is our mission to communicate Chinese culture to the world,” she said.

“We can feel the admiration and respect from foreign friends to China,” graduate student Meng Siqi said. “They are impressed by our high happiness index with peace and security, excellent infrastructure, industrious and friendly people, and also those delicious foods.”

Guo Chengjue, a student majoring in French Studies, saw many young people from all over the world studying and working hard for their country. “As Chinese young generations, we should not only aim high, but also act real to assume the responsibility and contribute to our society,” he said.

The festival is another major project undertaken by SISU since it has become the National Research and Dissemination of Youth Culture Base. SISUers have been communicating with youths from more 30 countries, including America, France and Japan since 2015. Students have also taken part in more than 1100 youth exchanges, visits and various national and international youth communicating forums and activities.

World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY), the organizer of World Youth Festival, is an international non-governmental organization with a history of 70 years led by the United Nations. It was initially founded to unite young people all over the world to promote peace and mutual rejection of war. Chinese young delegations started to participate in international youth communication in the 1950s.