SISU faculty meeting | Remain ture to the orignial aspiration & rising to the challenge

SISU’s President Li Yansong is delivering a speech
SISU students are performing the drama Looking for Jiang Chunfang
SISU students are performing the drama Looking for Jiang Chunfang
Teaching staff attend the 2019 faculty meeting

Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) held the faculty meeting on March 15, 2019. SISU University Council Chair Jiang Feng and President Li Yansong delivered keynote speeches. The faculty watched the drama Looking for Jiang Chunfang performed by SISU students to commemorate the first president of SISU.

President Li gave a speech on “Innovation and action” at the meeting. He reviewed SISU’s achievements and lacks in its implementation of the Double First-Class initiative. He also pointed that SISU should take series of measures including focusing on students and implementing the fundamental task of cultivating talents.

SISU is committed to building “world-class foreign language university with distinguishing features in the field of area studies and global knowledge” and training multilingual + students who are proficient in languages, cultures and professional fields according to Jiang Feng. He also stressed that the traditional foreign language and literature disciplines should incorporate new disciplinary elements such as neuroscience and psychological science.

SISU is to reform the salary system which plans to increase teachers’ income year by year. In terms of improving the assessment of professional titles, professional and technical posts will be classified, and accounting systems of different academic achievements will be designed.

After the keynote speeches, the faculty watched the drama Looking for Jiang Chunfang, the first president of SISU. They thought the drama Looking for Jiang Chunfang was emotional, professional and exciting. Yang Bo,  professor from SISU’s School of Russian and Eurasian Studies said, “We should remain true to the original aspiration to inherit the culture.”