Photographic Exhibition over “SISUers met Québec” Opened in SISU


The “SISUers met Quebec” Photographic Exhibition started in the library on the Songjiang Campus of Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) in the afternoon of March 14th, 2019 was co-hosted by SISU and Quebec Government Office in Shanghai and organized by SISU Quebec Study Centre and SISU library with support from all the departments in the University. The opening ceremony was attended by Mr. Li Yansong, president of SISU, Mr.François Dansereau, vice-consul of the Consulate General of Canada in Shanghai and director of the services of political and public affairs, Quebec Government Office in Shanghai and the teachers and students in SISU. The whole exhibition was moderated by Professor Li Qin, deputy director of the School of French and Francophone Studies.

President Li Yansong delivered his speech in the opening ceremony where he acknowledged the effective cooperation in education and cultural communication between SISU and the government of Canada, especially Quebec government in the past years and expressed his sincere gratitude to Quebec government for its continuous support to the campus cultural activities in SISU. He said that SISU had always been upholding its student-oriented education philosophy, encouraging the students to take active parts in the public benefit activities that showcase SISU’s commitment and humanistic features. President Li later talked about the prospects of cooperation in various directions in the future. As included in the list of the “Double First-Class Initiative”, SISU is ready to deepen exchange and cooperation with Quebec government in terms of diverse area studies in the hope of promoting the research development of the Quebec Study Centre and even the whole subject of French and Francophone Studies.

After that, Mr. François Dansereau, in his speech, praised enthusiastic and vigorous SISU students for their great interests in Quebec and the culture of the French language. The photographs with the views ofhis hometown at the exhibition make him feel at home. He further expressed his willingness to attract more students to learn more about Quebec through a series of cultural exchanges under the cooperation of the Quebec government and SISU.

As the third speaker, Mr. Ren Shuhuai, who is in charge of SISU library, said in his speech on behalf of the exhibition organizer that the library is committed to providing the teachers and students in SISU with a variety of cultural communication platforms. Granting that the library would offer as much assistance as possible to the exhibition, he encouraged the schools and departments to hold more cultural exhibitions that present the artistic expressions of the students for the public.

Following the speech section, President Li and vice-consul Dansereau cut the ribbon for the official start of the photographic exhibition. After the opening ceremony, they looked around at the exhibition accompanied by the teachers and students and enjoyed the natural landscapes and cultural sceneries in Canada through the photographs. The abroad study experiences and background stories behind the photographs were also introduced. During the process, President Li communicated frequently with Mr. Dansereau and Mr. Ren and also encouraged the Quebec Study Centre to play a more important role in the research development of SISU in the future.