SISU holds the 6th International Exchange Experience Sharing Meeting


n December 19th, the 6th International Exchange Experience Sharing Meeting of SISU Students was held on Songjiang Campus. Wang Yilin, chair of the Council of Office of Student Affairs,Wang Zheng, deputy director of Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, and Xiao Lin, associate dean of Graduate School, attended the meeting. Teachers in charge of international exchange affairs in every schools and department and some student representatives participated in the event. The meeting was hosted by Ma Sang, deputy director of Office of International Cooperation and Exchange.

At the beginning, Deputy Director Wang Zheng first reviewed international exchanges of SISU students in 2018. So far, SISU has established cooperative relationship with 410 universities, research institutes or international organizations in 62 countries and regions in the world, and has launched more than 150 exchange programs and over 50 joint education programs. In the future, SISU will continue to expand channels of international cooperation and exchanges, and provide students with more opportunities to study at top universities abroad.

Wang Yilin, chair of the Council of Office of Student Affairs, said that he felt happy that students of SISU could have a good platform for international exchange, and was also delighted with the progress they had made through international exchanges. At the same time, he also expressed expectations for the students that they should communicate Chinese culture by telling Chinese stories to the world. In order to achieve this, they should get to know well about China, strengthen cultural confidence, enrich their knowledge and keep diligent in studies.

At the meeting, 9 students from different majors shared their international exchange experience in the interactive forum called “SISUers’Trips abroad and love for home”. Some of these students have just come back from the trip to Argentina G20 Summit as members of SISU Global Reporting Team; some have studied at world-class universities such College of Europe, Leiden University and Georgetown University via the platform/programs provided by the China Scholarship Council, SISU International Exchange Foundation for Students, and the international courses of Honors College of SISU; some have worked as interns in the United Nations Office at Vienna, while others have spent the holidays going deep into Central Asia to conduct field study in countries along the routes of the “Belt and Road” initiative. The students talked about their perceptions and feelings gained from international exchanges, and expressed their determination to “Interpret the World, Translate the Future”.

The sharing meeting has been held for sixth consecutive years. Through this platform, the results of students international exchange can be gathered, displayed and summarized. In the future, SISU will continue to carry out the programs and improve the policy so as to promote the cultivation of international talents under the background of “Double First-class” initiative, and enabling more SISU students to go global.