SISU President Li Yansong visited Qatar and Algeria to promote cooperation

SISU President Li Yansong visited Qatar and Algeria

SISU President Li Yansong visited Qatar and Algeria

SISU President Li Yansong visited Qatar and Algeria

From Dec. 8 to Dec. 14, 2018, Li Yansong, president of Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), was invited to visit Qatar (QU) University, Hamad Bin Khalifa University Georgetown University in Qatar, the High Arab Institute of Translation (HAIT) and National School of Political Science of Algeria. He also visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar and Algeria and the Chinese Embassy in both countries. The visit promotes the cooperation and communication between SISU and universities in West Asia and North Africa. The SISU delegation also consists of Wang Youyong, director of Office of Research Affairs, Wang Guangda, executive director of Center for China and Arab States Reform and Development Studies, and Wang Zheng, deputy director of Office of International Cooperation.

Li Yansong first visited QU, where he met with QU President Professor Hassan Rashid Al-Derham, three vice-presidents and some scholars including director of the Gulf Research Center. The two sides signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation to promote cooperation in the academic and research field, as well as to promote exchange programs for students and faculty members. Li Yansong pointed out that QU is an outstanding academic institution which plays an important role in the Gulf region. The agreement, which aims to expand bilateral cooperation in various fields, would promote the development of education in China and Arab States. Hassan pointed out that Chinese universities have made remarkable achievements in recent years. The agreement would facilitate the sharing of experience and the exchange of ideas between QU and SISU, as well as start a new chapter for cooperation between QU and Chinese universities.

In Qatar, the SISU delegation also visited the Diplomatic Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar, the Chinese Embassy in Qatar, the Hamad Bin Khalifa University, the Doha Education City, and the Georgetown University in Qatar in the Education City. The two sides discussed topics such as academic exchanges and the construction of university, which deepens mutual understanding and lays a foundation for further cooperation.

After the trip to Qatar, Li Yansong and SISU delegation came to Algeria. They first visited the HAIT directly under the Secretariat of the League of Arab States. The two sides signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation, aiming to promote academic cooperation in translation training and deepen people-to-people and cultural exchanges. Li Yansong pointed out that this was the first time that the SISU delegation had visited Algeria and signed an agreement with an Algerian university. Algerian students are welcome to study in SISU within the framework of the agreement. He also hoped that Chinese students could go to Algeria to learn their local culture and bring Chinese stories to Algeria. President of HAIT extended his hope to create opportunities for exchange programs between the two sides and promote the development of translation in China and Arab States.

The SISU delegation then visited the National School of Political Science of Algeria and signed a cooperation agreement. Li Yansong was invited to give a lecture on the “Belt and Road” Initiative and interacted with the teachers and students of the school. After that, the SISU delegation visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Algeria and the Chinese Embassy in Algeria, and met with officials from Arab State who participated in workshops organized by the Center for China and Arab States Reform and Development Studies. The participants thanked the center for providing them with opportunities to learn about China's reform and opening up policy and experience in governing the country, and looked forward to continued cooperation in various fields between China and Arab States.

During this visit, the SISU delegation signed cooperation agreements with three universities in two Arab countries and visited a number of educational institutions and government departments. The visit promotes the construction of mechanism of communication between universities in China and Arab States, and deepens cooperation in teaching and research between the two sides.

The visit came at the 30th anniversary of the establishment of China-Qatar diplomatic ties and the 60th anniversary of the establishment of China-Algeria diplomatic ties. The mainstream media of Qatar and Algeria attach great importance to the visit and have reported it.