UN Secretary-General's youth envoy talks with SISU students on global sustainability

  • UN Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth

  • They envoy came with elegates from 10 different agencies in the UN, including

    UNESCO, UNDP, UNEP and UN-Habitat.

  • UN Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth

    They envoy came with elegates from 10 different agencies in the UN, including

    UNESCO, UNDP, UNEP and UN-Habitat.

  • UN Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth

  • After  the lecture, students asked the delefation various questions on gender equality,                                                         environment protection and cultural clashes.

  • UN Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth

  • They envoy came with elegates from 10 different agencies in the UN, including

    UNESCO, UNDP, UNEP and UN-Habitat.

    Ahmed Alhandawi, the United Nations Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth, visited Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) and had exchanged opinions with SISU students about the background, goals and implementation of sustainable development, on April 15.

    The envoy came with elegates from 10 different agencies in the UN, including UNESCO, UNDP, UNEP and UN-Habitat, whose visit was a part of the “Hand in Hand” Youth Exchange Project.

    The delegation first met with SISU president and university council members, discussed upon the cooperation between SISU and the UN, and opportunities that the UN would offer to SISU students. The delegation complimented that Chinese youth possess world-class abilities and the world is ready to hear from China.

    Before delivering the lecture to SISU students, Mr. Alhandawi stood up from his seat, saying that he would like to see everyone’s face to be able to talk to each other “face to face”.

    In the course of the lecture, while explaining the United Nations’ goals of sustainable development, he took out several postcards with these goals printed on, and passed them to every student.

    Qiu Bijun, a junior student of SISU, asked about the refugee problem in Europe in the context of cross-cultural communication. The answer of the UNESCO representative was very impressive to her: “Cultural generality lets people from different cultures be aware of their common parts, and then accept differences inclusively. That was actually the similar to Premier Zhou Enlai’s diplomatic credo, ‘seeking common ground while putting aside differences’.”

    Qiu also said, the fifteen years between now and 2030, happens to be the best period for young people to contribute their abilities and talents in sustainable development, as was mentioned in the United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda 2030.

    After the lecture, students asked the delegation various questions on the gender equality, environmental protection, cultural clashes, opportunities of taking part in UN issues and etc.

    A female undergraduate stated her question of how the policies that emphasized on alleviating gender inequality could be implemented, and the delegates answered her question in great details. They said that gender discrimination is a human rights problem and that everyone should participate in that issue and speak for all females.

    Finally, a student asked the young envoy the last question: “Nowadays, a large number of platforms can be a media themselves. What kind of platform would the UN choose? And what does the world want to know about China?”

    The envoy answered: “We kept on thinking how to begin a polybasic cooperation with China, but we only know a small part of this country. So we plan to understand their people and listen to their voices through the international interactions. Meanwhile, we are very glad to see more Chinese in the UN.”

    Due to the enthusiasm shown by the students, the conversation was extended for another hour.