CIUTI's Asia-Pacific Office held first briefing meeting at SISU

  • Asia-Pacific Office of CIUTI

    The Asia-Pacific Office of CIUTI was initiated last year in Shanghai, in response to the growing demand of communication between T&I institutes in Asia-Pacific region and those in Europe.

  • Asia-Pacific Office of CIUTI

    Prof. Hannelore Lee-Jahnke, CIUTI’s honorary president,Prof. Chai Mingjiong, CIUTI’s vice president and head of its Asia-Pacific Office attended the meeting.

  • Asia-Pacific Office of CIUTI

    Representatives exchanged views on a range of issues such as the legitimacy of the Office, the promotional strategy of CIUTI, the training of T&I trainers, research cooperation, and industrial partnerships.

The first briefing meeting of the Asia-Pacific Office of the International Standing Conference of University Institutes of Translators and Interpreters (CIUTI) was held at the Graduate Institute of Interpretation and Translation (GIIT) of Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) on April 28th, 2016. Prof. Hannelore Lee-Jahnke, CIUTI’s honorary president, and six representatives from 4 Chinese universities that operates translation and interpretation (T&I) degree programs, attended the meeting.

During the meeting, Prof. Chai Mingjiong, CIUTI’s vice president and head of its Asia-Pacific Office, introduced the major tasks and concepts of developing the Asia-Pacific Office. Representatives exchanged views on a range of issues such as the legitimacy of the Office, the promotional strategy of CIUTI, the training of T&I trainers, research cooperation, and industrial partnerships. They reached an agreement on further discussion and making future working plan as the next step.

Established in the 1960s, CIUTI is an international academy associating translation and interpretation institutes affiliated to universities. It aims at promoting international T&I cooperation in both professional training and academic research. The Asia-Pacific Office of CIUTI was initiated last year in Shanghai, in response to the growing demand of communication between T&I institutes in Asia-Pacific region and those in Europe. The inauguration ceremony of CIUTI’s Asia-Pacific Office is to be held in late October, 2016.