Iranian officials of ICDNA share views on Middle East wth SISU scholars

  • ICDNA officials

    A delegation of Iran Committee for theDetermination of the National Interest (ICDNA)
  • visited  (SISU)  and held conference with members of Middle East Studies Institute this May

ICDNA officials

A delegation of Iran Committee for the Determination of the National Interest (ICDNA)

visited SISU and held conference with members of Middle East Studies Institute this May.


A delegation of Iran Committee for the Determination of the National Interest (ICDNA) visited Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) and held conference with members of Middle East Studies Institute on May 24, 2016. The discussion was hosted by Professor Zhu Weilie of SISU. The two sides changed the ideas about cadre training system, the relations between China and Iran, and the situation in the Gulf region.  

Dr. Jiang Feng, the University Council Chair of SISU welcomed the delegation. He introduced the cadre training system in China, educational philosophy, general conditions, and development goals of SISU. Mohammad Taghi Azarshab, director of ICDNA and principal of Management School, introduced the major obligation of ICDNA, cadre training system and educational conditions in Iran.

Prof. Liu Zhongmin, director of SISU’s Middle East Studies Institute, introduced the development history, research fields and publication development of the institution to the delegation. Both sides reached a primary intent of cooperation in academic exchange, short-term training and talent cultivation.

Prof. Cheng Tong, dean of School of Asian and African Studies, Wang Zheng, deputy director of Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, Sun Degang, deputy director of Middle East Institute, and researchers Wang Bo, Tang Jianrui, Yu Yong, Bao Chengzhang attended the conference.