Latin-American young officials share views on youth development at SISU

  • Youth development

  • Youth development

  • Youth development

  • Youth development

  • Youth development

More than 80 young representatives from politics, media, business and social organizations inArgentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica and Mexico participated in a youthforum, the theme of which was “Youth Development for Sino-Latin American community”, held on Apr. 26, 2017 on the Songjiang campus of Shanghai International Studies University (SISU).

The youth’s participation in future cooperation between China and Latin America, and how to improve understanding of the youth between China and  Latin America were two discussion topics related to the forum theme.

At the forum,Tonatiuh Solano Herrera, the rotating head of Latin American delegation from Costa Rica, Deputy Secretary of International Relations of National Liberation Party, appreciated Chinese rapid development and its active role in establishing ties with Latin America. He said that many global problems including climate changes and environmental pollution can only be effectively solved when China and Latin America as two important developing countries closely work together.He also appreciated the value of Socialism with Chinese characteristics in encouraging entrepreneurship.

Chen Zhi, teacher from SISU’s School of European and Latin American Studies, founder of ANZIZAI Sino-western Culture Communicating and Developing Center, pointed out at the forum that social realities should be first considered instead of political system to understand a country adding that foreign countries should focus on economic achievements that China has already made and its current situation.

Tamara Naiz da Silva, member of the National Committee of Socialist Youth Union of Brazil and chairwoman of Brazilian Graduate Student Association, asked first at the forum. As a communist, she appreciated Chinese contribution in developing education and technology as well as preserving rich tradition. She was also curious about SISU’s study of BRICS (the acronym for an association of five major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).

Wan Yu and Zhang Weiqi, two teachers from SISU’s School of European and Latin American Studies, then introduced SISU’s a series of studies and research centers, including Latin American studies , BRICS studies, Center of Mexican Studies, Center of Brazilian Studies. They also introduced some works about researching China’s infrastructure assistance to Brazil and the publication situation of these books in Portugal and Brazil.

Subsequently, the representatives of the SISU students actively participated in the discussion. Zheng Qianqian, SISU student from School of European and Latin American Studies, raised her doubt in the social network that the dissemination of information is not entirely reliable, which hinders the mutual understanding between people in China and Latin America. The Brazilian representative responded that the history was written by the winner, and the social network created many stories that could be discussed by everyone. Peruvian representative said that it was people that had caused the unreliability of social network, so it should also be resolved by the people. He suggested that the problem should be addressed from the information access channel.

Bai Xutong, SISU student from School of International Relations and Public Affairs, asked about the aspects of the Latin American delegation's interest in China. The Latin American representatives replied that they were most interested in the reasons for the rapid rise of China. They explained the reasons were that subtle ethnic barriers in Latin America lead to no close cohesion and they were envious of China's strong cohesion and absolute emphasis on development.

In the end,Ruan Xiaoyu, exchange student from SISU who was back from Chile, andFAVELA RAMIREZ RUBEN DARIO, Mexican student studying in SISU,both described their views. The former looked ahead into Chinese literature getting into Latin America. The latter mentioned that as developing countries, China and Mexico should learn how to convert raw material into a value-added goods in order to improve the level of the two countries economy and other related issues.

In the two-hour forum, more than 20 representatives of both sides made statements enthusiastically, discussing on the path problem of the development and rise of China, and the status and role of Chinese Communist Party in national governance. The representatives from Latin America spoke highly of the adoptability of Chinese development roads, and talked about their impressions on the two-week visit to China.

The forum promoted the youth of China and Latin America to understand each other, and improved the mutual recognition between the youth from the perspective of the nation's comparison. It also provided the students with practical reference of further establishment the "four confidences" and cognition of the world and China.