Tunisian media delegation visits SISU Middle East Studies Institute

  • Tunisian media delegation & SISU

  • Tunisian media delegation & SISU

  • Tunisian media delegation & SISU

  • ambassador Liu Yuhe

  • Tunisian media delegation & SISU

The Tunisian media delegation visited the Middle East Studies Institude of Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) on May 5, 2017 to discuss cooperation on academic teaching, research and the development of think tanks.

The discussion resulted in initial agreements on media coordination, think tank communication and strategy “One Belt and One Road” (the “Silk Road Economic Belt” and the “21st Century Maritime Silk Road”). 

Liu Yuhe, the Vice President and Secretary General of the Institute of Foreign Affairs, former Chinese ambassador to Tunisia, said that Tunisia was the first Middle-East country that started teaching of the Chinese language, which laid the foundation for cross-national cooperation.

Liu also said that expanding media cooperation in information age between China and Tunisia is significant to understand social and political transformation in Tunisia and to exchange views on governmental experience.

The delegation, invited by Foreign Affairs Office of Shanghai Municipality, was led by Mohamed Taieb Zahar, the Director of the Journal Realites and Chair of the Tunisian Media Association. Other delegation members included Mohamed Taieb Zaha, manager of the Political and Financial News Network; Brahim Oeslati, Editor-in-Chief of The Glimmers; Fatma Ben Abdallah EP Karray, President of Dawn News; and Hafedh Ghribi, General Manager of The Times.