SISU holds 2nd seminar for Arabic officials to highlight China's development

  • the opening Ceremony the seminar

  • the participants are taking notes

  • idea exchanges during the site visiting

  • the participants listening to the lectures

  •  the participants communicating together

  •  taking photos together aftering the siting visiting

  •   presenting the certificate of completion in the closing ceremony 

  • participants together in SISU

Thirty-six officials from 19 countries and regions participated in the second seminar on global governance, Sino-Arabic relations and China’s development in all fields, which was held at Shanghai International Studies University(SISU)from Nov. 6 to Nov. 15, 2017.

The 10-day seminar included six lectures, six case studies, the panel called “listening and communicating” and series of visits to large science and technology companies and factories.

The participants, especially those from the League of Arab such as Algeria, Oman, Egypt and Palestine,discussed on series of topics, including the 19thCPC National Congress, Sino-Arabic relations, China's rapid economic development, China's politicalsystem and education, which effectively promote the mutual understanding between China and Arab countries.

In the panel called “listening and communicating”, the attendeesexchanged ideas onSino-Arabic cooperationunder “the Belt and Road” initiative,Sino-Arabic cultural exchanges,Security and Stability in Arab Countries.

Muhammad Fore, the seminar leader and Dean of the Mohammed V University in Morocco, said on the seminar’s closing ceremony that Arabic countries and China would further cooperation and communication in more fields.

On the closing ceremony, every participant received a certificate of completion and a book named Xi Jinping: The Governance of China in the Arabic language.

The seminar, hosted byChina-ArabResearchCenter on Reform and Development, was organized by Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chinese Ministry of Education and the Shanghai Municipal People's Government.