Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 signes joint-degree programs with SISU

  • Université Sorbonne Nouvelle  - Paris 3 signed joint training projects wit SISU

  • Université Sorbonne Nouvelle  - Paris 3 signed joint training projects wit SISU

A delegation of Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 signed a dual-degree master's program and a Chinese-French teacher training program with Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) on Hongkou campus on December 11, 2017.

SISU University Council Chair Jiang Feng greeted the delegation and signed the initiative letter. Former vice-president Emmanuel FRAISSE and the director of the International Exchange Office Zoubida BENALI from French Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3 also exchanged their views with SISU.

Professor Zhang Hongling, director of the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange, introduced SISU’s recent achievements in talent cultivation, academic development and research projects. “SISU aims at building a world-class international studies university with distinctive features in global and area studies,” she said. She also mentioned that Université Sorbonne Nouvelle and SISU have a firm base for communication and cooperation. She believed that the dual-degree master's program can be the basis for a deeper and wider partnership between two sides.

Jiang also stated that due to the abundant range of exchange and cooperation programs, both universities have already cultivated a batch of international, high-level and research-based talents.

Vice-president Sébastien VELUT of Université Sorbonne Nouvelle appreciated SISU’s accomplishment and stressed that SISU is a significant partner of Université Sorbonne Nouvelle in international communication.

Students also looked forward to experiencing different academic environment in their college days. “I can’t wait to apply for the joint programs,” said Yang Sirui, a junior student majoring in French in SISU.

The delegation gave two speeches entitled “The Development Model of Latin American Nations” and “Paris: The Capital of the World? —Discuss the French Language in the Context of Globalization”. Faculties and students of French and Spanish major joined in the forum on Songjiang campus on December 12.

“The lectures gave me more perspectives and lens to see today’s globalization,” said Gu Yuan, a student from School of French and Francophone Studies participated in the forum. “They offered a wealthy of academic and humanistic knowledge that link to the world today,” he added.

Founded in 1970, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle is especially advanced in linguistics, literature, translation, communication, humanities and social sciences. Up to 2017, SISU and Université Sorbonne Nouvelle have jointly cultivated five doctors. The department of French in SISU has already sent students who applied for the dual-degree master's program to Université Sorbonne Nouvelle for further study.